Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

January 26, 2011

Could it be?

I think so! Or at least I want to think so. Last night I kept waking up due to many things i.e Jay snoring, the animals and being uncomfortable. I got up at about 3:30am to eat some crackers and decided to call my mom. She had asked if I'd felt any movement yet and I told her about the flutter a couple weeks ago. We continued to talk for about an hour when I decided I should try to go back to sleep since I would be getting Jay up for work at 6:30am.
During that two hours of sleep, which for me wasn't really sleep more like laying there with my eyes closed, I kept feeling what it felt like to be gassy bubbles. I put it off as me having gas since I was somewhat sleeping. Soon 6:30 rolled around and the alarms goes off. Jay rolled over to snuggle me when I felt it again. This time it dawned on me that it could actually be the baby moving. I remember reading that early movement, also known as Quickening can be described as bubbles, gas and or butterflies. I guess you could say that what I felt was more like bubbles. It felt like bubbles were rolling around in my uterus. It was definitely not in my stomach so I have a good guess it was gas, I compared it to my previous gas earlier in the day and it felt nothing alike.
I told Jay that I thought I'd felt the baby move and he hurried up and put his hand on my belly to try and feel. I told him it'd still be too early for him to feel anything. Poor Jay was so disappointed. Pretty soon though Shim will be waking daddy up by kicking him in the back, then we'll see how much Jay wants to feel the baby. LOL

January 25, 2011

I'm starting to feel huge

Now the post dates are up to date.
Im starting to get uncomfortable which actually I consider a good thing. It means my baby is growing strong and getting plenty big. My uterus has moved up quiet a bit and feels like its come forward as well. I can feel it easier when I touch my belly and I've been told I "officially look pregnant now"   
Oh and have I mentioned that the anatomy ultrasound is February 11th...yes that is the appointment where we will hopefully find out the sex of Shim, that is if Shim will be nice and let us see the "goods".

Here I am at 16 weeks

Fetal Doppler no good for me

Beer gut? No its a baby!! 12 weeks

So with having Chronic Hypertension I get seen by my OB doctor every 4-5 weeks. January 13th (14+4weeks )was my second appointment just to check on the babies heartbeat.
The doctor palpated my abdomen to find where my uterus was and said it was right on track to where it should be. She then tried to check the heart beat with the fetal doppler but couldn't find anything. I wasn't too worried since she'd already said my uterus was growing how it should be, she decided to get an ultrasound imagine so that she could see the heart and get the bpm that way. Sure enough she easily found it and it was going nice and strong at 150 bpm. She said the reason why she couldn't get the heartbeat by doppler was because the placenta was anterior (in the front).
On my way home I felt a flutter where I think my uterus was. I had read that the early feels of the baby moving can feel like when your eyelid twitches, and thats just what it felt like. 

Dating Ultrasound at 10+1 weeks

We had our dating ultrasound and general health check up for me December 13th. Vitals were done then the oh so favorite "girl testing" was done, then got a transvaginal ultrasound (not the most comfortable thing to have done) to see how the baby was doing.
Seeing the baby on that screen for the first time was amazing. Babies heartbeat was strong at 166 bpm and measured right on date and was assigned the due date of July 10th 2011.
The doctor went over some basic stuff with us, prescribed my prenatals and diagnosed me with chronic hypertension. Yes you saw right. According to their records, my BP has been high almost every time I've gone to the doctor since my military health record started back in 2007. Here at Naval Hospital Guam, you are assigned to Family Practice if you do not have any medical conditions that could cause problems during pregnancy, if you do have any problems then you are sent to OBGYN and have every appointment there. So with being diagnosed with Chronic Hypertension I was sent to OBGYN, which I supposed I look at it as a good thing because I feel like at OBGYN they know a little more about pregnancy than general practitioners and that makes me feel safer during this 9 months journey.
I was told that due to the Chronic Hypertension I would not go past 39 weeks, which just so happens to be right around July 4th :)
Heres my little tiny bump at 10+1 weeks

I had my OB appointment 4 days after my Family Practice appointment and got to have 2 ultrasounds in one week. Baby was 10+5 weeks and moving all around.

It's definitely positive

We had gotten the positive test on a Thursday night, Friday we drove up to Andersen AFB to try and get an AMC flight but had no luck. We decided that we might as well go get the pregnancy confirmed before we go home and tell everyone so we went to the hospital to do a urine test. The results wouldn't be in for a couple days and then that Sunday we happened to get a flight off island. Fast forward to when I called the hospital to see what my results were, they said that they were negative. I was a little heartbroken and very confused because I still hadn't gotten my period and actually went out and bought some digital and Equate HPT's at Walmart just to double check. All 5 of them came back positive.

So since I was only 2 days late from my period when I did do the urine test, we figured that it was just too soon for their tests. Weird though because you would think that the hospital tests would be stronger.
When we got back to Guam I went in right away for another urine test, this time it had come back positive. I would have been about 8 weeks along so I figured their tests would pick it up this time and it did. 

We got ourselves a BFP!!

Ignore the publish date of these few posts. I decided to start this blog a little late in the pregnancy but need to catch you guys up to speed.

Jay had been home from deployment all of about 7 weeks before we found out we got our wish of a homecoming baby. Jay and I were getting ready to AMC flight it home to Ohio for D and Amy's wedding, which happen to be right about the time we could test to see if we were pregnant.
I was 1 day late and wasn't feeling any symptoms but wanted to test so that way when we got home we would have the news to tell family in person. We had bought a 2pack of E.P.T from the NEX that night, Jay was so anxious for me to take one that he talked me into doing it that night even though I wanted to wait until morning since first morning urine is stronger and would most likely get our positive then. I gave in and started thinking well since it was a 2pack I could take one tonight, if it was negative then I could take the other one in the morning.
So at about 10:30pm November 4th I peed on that first test stick. I put the cap on it, set in on top of the toilet and walked out of the room and started timing.
I had already set my mind to it being negative so that I wasn't to disappointed when I only saw one line. 3 or 4 minutes had past and I walked back in, holding my breath only to see two beautiful bright pink lines.

There was no mistaking that it was positive. I didn't even know what to say when I walked out of the bathroom to tell Jay, I just sort of flailed my arms and told him to come here. He jumped out of bed, walked into the bathroom to see the test and the look on his face was priceless. He had the "holy shit/OMG/scared as hell" look.
We hugged each other for the longest time, I think because neither of us knew what to say. Neither of us could actually believe that we were pregnant, even though we had been wanting it for the longest time.
Once it sunk in a little bit we took the other test just to make sure, and sure enough another BFP.

We decided to call my mom that night, mainly because we couldn't keep it a secret and she was the only family member that we wouldn't be seeing when we went home.